{Series} Guide to Overcoming Life's Challenges: Develop a Growth Mindset

Hi Reader

This week, I will be discussing one of the single most important tool we can incorporate in our lives to prepare and shield us from for life's challenges.

Unfortunately, with life comes many unpleasant experiences and people—in our families, communities, places of work, and the likes. There is the narcissistic spouse, the unpleasant boss, and that insufferable friend—just name it. It is just part of life and we can't wish it away.

Sadly, sometimes, we are those annoying people who bring unpleasant experiences to other people’s lives. And that doesn’t make us bad people. It is a natural human instinct wherein pursuing our desires, we forget to look back to see who gets hurt in the process.

It breaks my heart to see my friends or anyone else suffering through disappointments and hurt because of the actions or inactions of others.

If you sometimes feel overwhelmed by life, if you feel lost and hurt each passing day—you are not alone. I am standing right there with you.

These tips I will be sharing here have helped me manage my disposition during difficult times for many years now, and my wish is that you too can apply them to your lives each time lemons get thrown at you.

We all deserve to be happy regardless of the life that surrounds you.

TIP 1: Develop a growth mindset:

This has been my mantra for as long as I can remember, and it has literally saved my life. Developing a growth mindset allows you to see the silver lining in most unpleasant situations. It forces you to see opportunities or lessons to be learned, where others see limitations.

Prioritize daily personal growth

Whatever your plans are each day when you wake up, please make plans for personal growth. This could be as easy as reading a page of a self-help book, taking a class or certification course, exercising and eating healthily, or listening to a podcast. It could even be approaching a friend who knows more than you do and taking in some wisdom.

You could even go as far as starting a life project that runs into months or years like building a business, learning a vocation, traveling around the world.

Growth comes with learning something new, and when you are learning, you don’t feel stagnant. Life becomes less boring and repetitive and more interesting. Expand your mind! Soak yourself in some wisdom! Start a project! Build something! Get excited! Become better! Grow mentally, physically, emotionally, financially. Develop new skills and experience the world. Please don't be stuck doing the same tasks daily for years.

The reason why a lot of us feel like victims in various situations is the world is advancing around us, but some of us are stuck on a hamster’s wheel. When you are not growing, it is easy to blame others for your misery. However, if you choose to step out of your comfort zone and explore, you will be amazed at how the world will welcome you and the universe will bless you.

Plan your personal growth in all areas of your life. It could be growth in your knowledge of life philosophy, health, finances, or relationships. Something magical happens when you are on a growth trajectory in different areas of your life. It is easier to forgive past hurts because you become a higher version of the person you were before.

When you have grown, the events that would normally hurt you in the past will now seem trivial somewhat. Personal growth elevates you so much that when someone reminds you of your unpleasant past, you cringe because, for the life of you, you cannot remember that version of yourself that stayed in that toxic relationship and cried when it ended; You can’t remember that version of yourself that stayed in that job that barely paid enough money to get by and yet was so draining-or even the version of you that never exercised and ate poorly for years and was a few burgers away from a medical emergency.

When you stay stagnant for too long, life tends to feel hellish. You will feel the emptiness tugging at your soul because deep down you know you are not living up to your full potential. People will grow around you and if you are not on your own growth journey, you will feel resentment and regret.

Focus on Our own Growth Journey

It is also important to know that when you do decide to take the step for personal growth, you must focus on your journey. Care less about the final destination and the speed at which you will get there. Instead, focus and get excited daily about the person you are becoming in your own unique journey.

Likewise, resist the urge to want to compare yourself with others. Yeah, you will see them on social media taking vacations around the world, on a yacht. You don’t know their story, you only know yours. We are all in different lanes in life, running different races. Stay in your lane. So long as you are growing every day, you are doing great.

The Effect of Personal Growth on My Life

I personally have been committed to growth every single day for as long as I can remember. At the very least, I read a book or listen to a podcast.

I make long-term plans for my health, finances, and life’s purpose, and I work actively and happily toward achieving them.

I am actively learning from everything that happens to me and around me. The journey never ends. The goal is to be better today than you were yesterday.

Growth feels ecstatic. It is the high point of my day when I gain knowledge and understanding, and I apply them to my life. For example, growth in your knowledge and skill set can aid your finances. Growth in better eating habits and exercises could improve your physique and quality of life.

Ultimately, my growth in all areas of my life has helped me overcome the throes of life. The struggles are still there, but I see and approach them differently.

I have built some immunity against some and others I am mentally prepared to tackle them should they ever pop up.

Life feels more satisfying now than ever before and with constant growth, it only gets better

"Be not afraid of growing slowly; be afraid only of standing still."—Chinese Proverb

Something for you to try this week

Treat Your Life as a Project and Prioritize Growth Daily

  • Always make sure you are in the middle of a project. A project could last between 1 to 6 months.
  • Work on your project daily even if it is slow and steady. Make sure your project has milestones you are tracking against.
  • Outline steps for achieving the goal of each area of your life- mind, body, spirituality, and finance.
  • Come up with a single step you can do every single day to move the needle towards your goal. Your daily life should consist of learning and execution.
  • Figure out what you need to learn or educate yourself on how to get there.
  • Think of a way to document your progress so that you are motivated to continue- journaling, Video diary.

Learning brings about awareness of opportunity in all areas of life. Relationships, finance, health, etc. Enjoy the excitement of encountering a problem and solving the problem.

I hope you take a step back today and plan your own growth journey. I promise you will love yourself more and in return, life will become more tolerable and interesting.

I am so excited that I can be part of your week and I hope that you are inspired each week to live intentionally.

Thanks for reading, chat with you next Sunday.


Racing for Bliss

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